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Aldbrickham  Clog  & Step Dancers

Traditional dancers from Reading

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Grasshoppers flying Düsseldorf Grashüpper

photo courtesy of Reading Borough Council

Düsseldorf Grashüpper Düsseldorf Grashüpper & Aldbrickham Sheila Mike & Annie Anne & Sheila

Visit of düsseldorfer grashüpper to celebrate 60 years of Town Twinning in June 2007

Saturday - Dancing in the Abbey Ruins, Reading

Saturday Evening Ceilidh

with a wonderful performance by  Heneghan James School of Irish Dancing

Irish dancer Irish dancers wonderful costume


Düsseldorf Grashüpper & Aldbrickham Düsseldorf Grashüpper & Aldbrickham Düsseldorf Grashüpper Aldbrickham Düsseldorf Grashüpper

Thank you to the Jones family, Annie, Anne, Wolfgang and Reading Borough Council for their photos

Thank you to everyone who helped to make the weekend a great success.